Tá córas cuimsitheach rialaithe cáilíochta bunaithe againn chun an caighdeán is airde dár camshafts a chinntiú. Every camshaft is subjected to rigorous inspection at each stage of the production process. Advanced measuring instruments are used to check the dimensions, roundness, and cylindricity of the journals and cams, ensuring that they meet the design requirements.
Táimid muiníneach go gcomhlíonfaidh agus go sáróidh ár dtáirgí do chuid ionchais, ag soláthar feidhmíocht iontaofa agus éifeachtach do do innill.
Our camshafts are crafted from high-quality ductile iron, has high strength and toughness, enabling the camshaft to withstand the high stress and cyclic impact during the engine's operation. Cinntíonn sé seo iontaofacht agus marthanacht an chamshaft, rud a laghdaíonn an baol dífhoirmithe agus briste, agus a shíneann a shaol seirbhíse. Déantar cóireáil dromchla múchta ardmhinicíochta ar ár camshafts, rud a chuireann lena bhfeidhmíocht a thuilleadh. High-frequency quenching can rapidly heat the surface of the camshaft to a high temperature and then cool it quickly, forming a hardened layer on the surface. This hardened layer has extremely high hardness and wear resistance, significantly improving the camshaft's ability to resist wear and abrasion
Tá Camshaft mar chuid lárnach d'oibríocht an innill mar go rialaíonn sé go beacht oscailt agus dúnadh na gcomhlaí innill. This synchronization ensures optimal air-fuel mixture intake and exhaust gas expulsion, directly contributing to the engine's power output, fuel efficiency, and smooth running. Moreover, the camshaft's robust construction and heat-treated surfaces offer excellent resistance to wear and fatigue, even under extreme operating conditions. Ciallaíonn sé seo riachtanais chothabhála laghdaithe agus saol na seirbhíse sínte don inneall.